The Story

Stars And Voices

I believe that to be heard is a basic human need. To know that someone has heard your voice, your cry, your opinion. A newborn baby’s cry is one of the very first, often long anticipated, acts a little one performs independently of its mother, much to the relief of the parents and the midwife. Coming moments after birth, this need to be heard marks the beginning of our journey on this earth.

Esther’s Heart was born when I realised there are voices that need to be heard, voices that need to be raised in unity; voices that, for some, first need to be found before they can be used to express God-given passions and desires.

Father God has a perfect plan. He is executing it with such precision, aware of all the other people who need to be involved and how they will all coincide. He brings the puzzle pieces together to reveal a divine masterpiece which is His plan for our generation.

So far, the journey of Esther’s Heart has been taking shape, like a few pieces of a puzzle being pushed close enough together for me to begin to see some of His glorious plan, enough to know what the next few steps are.

Since the very beginning of my walk with Jesus I have wholeheartedly agreed with Paul’s admonition in Galatians 2:10, that “they were eager for the poor to be remembered”. When we remember someone, it is often because we care, we are moved in some way by their situation, we feel a connection or already have a relationship with them. 

I often remember it is only because God ordained for me to be born at this time in history in the Western world, that it is so. I could have been born in the developing world and into all the challenges which that brings. But instead I have been born “into privilege”, as well as a different set of challenges.

Recently I read the following statement made by the founder of  8 Billion trees, Jon Chambers. 

“Anyone who makes more than 32,400  dollars a year is in the global 1% …. we have to realize that many of us, though we might not be rich by many standards, are extremely wealthy on a global scale.” 

It made me stop, as a realised afresh, that I was born to privilege and like Queen Esther, God is expecting me to do something with the position and the voice He has given me. I suppose that sentence alone encapsulates the core of Esther’s Heart, at least as far as I know at this time.

In Philippians 2:15 we are called to be “bright lights (stars or beacons shining out clearly) in the dark world” (AMPC). Through Esther’s Heart I want to inspire people to find their own voice, join together with other voices and harmonise, singing a song of light in the dark night of this world. But what are we going to sing about?